Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Evangelikale Kirchenführer beabsichtigen 1000 Pastoren in die Politik zu integrieren

Evangelikale Kirchenführer beabsichtigen 1000 Pastoren in die Politik zu integrieren
Evangelical Leader Wants to Recruit 1,000 Pastors Into Politics

Because There Aren’t Enough Christians in Office Yet.
If David Lane, who founded the American Renewal Project, has his way, 1,000 Christian pastors will run for public office, each with 500 Christian volunteers… and then they’ll get to work getting rid of any civil rights progress we’ve made as a country:
There is nothing in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that establishes homosexual “marriage,” yet judges claim to have recently discovered one after 235 years of jurisprudence! Being subjected to such behavior is our own fault. We elected the politicians, who in turn, put the judges on their benches and allow them to run the country too often like tyrants without invoking the “separation of powers” that our democratic republic demands if it is to function in promoting freedom.
Because giving people the chance to publicly commit to each other, with the benefits our government offers married couples, is a mark of tyranny.  ……
Evangelical Leader Wants to Recruit 1,000 Pastors Into Politics

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