Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

Warum ist Fundamentalismus so attraktiv ? – patheos

Über religiösen Fundamentalismus hinaus weisend   -
Why is Fundamentalism So Attractive?  – Beyond religious fundamentalism
  • Social Benefits
  • Consumer Hedonism
  • The Hatred of The Other
  • The Fundamentalism of The Left
  • The Fundamentalism of The Right
  • The Fundamentalism of Atheism
  • The problem with Fundamentalism
(…) In Psychology studies, there is a hypothesis that claims the inability to doubt our particular stance demonstrates a level of damage to our pre-frontal cortex. Okay, stay with me here. Typically, that part of the brain is known to control our rational thought. Michelle Rosenthal says the following about the cortex, “Known as the seat of your executive function, the prefrontal cortex affects self-regulation, decision-making, and attention processes. After high stress, this part of your brain can experience a decrease in its capability.” Through another testing process developed called the The False Tagging Theory, we learn that if there is no damage to this part of the brain, then there is an ability to doubt. This of course, begs the question of those who can’t seem to rid themselves of strict fundamentalist attitudes, are they brain damaged? Now, beyond this satirical question, there is something deadly serious staring us in the face, which is that some might be more hard-wired toward fundamentalist attitudes than others.
However, this is to pre-determined and absolves us of any responsibility. We are not predetermined toward fundamentalism. Fundamentalism, like any other thing in thinking is a perversion of thought, it is now a system. A way of thinking that thinks for us. The Apostle Paul, an anarchist theologian, once made the claim that our struggle is against those systems in place that mediate for us on our behalf, fundamentalism is one of them. We are all fundamentalists, we can’t hide that. But we can fight it. Some fundamentalism is important, at certain times, but fundamentalism as a system that imposes itself on others must be dealt with accordingly.
via Why is Fundamentalism So Attractive?.

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