Donnerstag, 25. September 2014

New Yorks christliche ReligionsPolizei wird angefeindet

New Yorks christliche ReligionsPolizei wird angefeindet

“Clergy on Patrol” Program Must Be Stopped, Says Humanist Group.

Earlier this month, police officers in Rochester, New York launched a new way to patrol the city:

The idea behind ‘Clergy on Patrol’ is simple, Rochester Press Officer Jessica Alaimo told The Huffington Post. The program will pair up clergy members and police officers for foot patrols with the hope of improving relations between law enforcement and the local community, which have taken a hit in recent months.
“The goal is to mend the mistrust certain neighborhoods have in the police by using the trust they have in the clergy as a bridge,” Alaimo said. “While we’ve been building this program for some time, the recent riots in Ferguson and the shooting we had here highlighted the need for it.”    …….
Eine Frau kämpft gegen die Religionspolizei – cicero

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