Montag, 9. Juni 2014

Katholische Massengräber 350 800 vermisster Kinder in Canada, Spanien, Irland

Katholische Massengräber 350 800 vermisster Kinder in Canada, Spanien, Irland

Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in Ireland, Spain, Canada - CAR – Child Abuse Recovery.

The atrocity of close to 800 emaciated childrens’ bodies buried in a Irish Nuns’ septic tank represented the 34th child mass grave site linked this week to the Catholic Church. Pope Francis was being prosecuted by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels for allegedly trafficking 300,000 children of political prisoners through Vatican Catholic Charities during Argentine’s Dirty War. According to witness testimony last week some of those orphans ended up in a child mass grave site in Spain. Last year’s ICLCJ prosecution concerned 50,000 missing native Canadian children. There have been 32 child mass grave sites uncovered so far in Canada, most of them on Catholic-run native residential school grounds.
Unfortunately the over 350,800 children suspected to be in Catholic child mass graves sites in three countries paled in number to Catholic Priest sex abuse victims across the globe. As of November 2013 over ten million Catholic Priest child sex abuse cases have been documented as shown here. These 10,077,574 cases represented a mere fraction of total crimes committed. Only an estimated 10% of sex abuse victims were thought to speak out about their sex abuse and just 10% of those cases saw the inside of a court room.
Amnesty has been offered to citizens or employees of the Crown of England and Vatican willing to give sworn testimony or evidence that leads to the prosecution of top Vatican and government officials who may have committed crimes. For providing evidence rewards up to 10,000 euros or around 13,660 dollars was available through the ICLCJ court.   ……
via Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in Ireland, Spain, Canada – CAR – Child Abuse Recovery.

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