Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016

Priester missbraucht Mädchen während der Beichte

Priester missbraucht Mädchen während der Beichte

Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:24 AM PST
Police wrongly decided a Melbourne priest had committed no crime when he indecently assaulted a 10-year-old girl during confession, an inquiry has
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:23 AM PST
Melbourne's Catholic leaders completely failed to deal with pedophile priests as they tried to protect the church, the archdiocese's former second-in-charge
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:23 AM PST
For the sake of the greater good and to preserve the reputation of the Church all over the world, the prosecution of journalists by the Holy See must cease
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:23 AM PST
Wenn man durch Bostons Straßen schlendert, fallen einem die vielen Kirchtürme auf, die der Stadt einen großen Teil ihrer europäischen Anmutung geben. Die…
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:23 AM PST
Das Hildesheimer Bistum sieht sich schwerwiegenden Vorwürfen ausgesetzt. Eine junge Frau gibt an, im Alter von elf Jahren von dem Pater R. sexuell bedrängt
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:23 AM PST
Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui: Sie und Monsignore Balda sollen Vatikan-Interna geliefert haben. ETTORE FERRARI/EPA/Keystone Der Prozess wegen Geheimnisverrats…
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:22 AM PST
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Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:22 AM PST
At age 43 — with hundreds of thousands in retirement savings — Rev. Robert Couture was already talking about being able to retire comfortably. "I was moving in
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:22 AM PST
THE Catholic Church knew pedophile priests were ticking time bombs but covered up their evil deeds to protect its reputation, former church leaders admit.
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 02:21 AM PST
Published 03/12/2015 | 02:30 The head of the Catholic Church's safeguarding watchdog has expressed concern at the low conviction rate of those accused of child

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