Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016

Nur wenige der Priester auf der Kindermissbrauchsliste werden wirklich angeklagt

Nur wenige der Priester auf der Kindermissbrauchsliste werden wirklich angeklagt

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:54 PM PST
It appears only five of the 77 Catholic priests and clergy members identified this month as likely sex abusers of children have ever been brought to justice for
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:53 PM PST
A courtesy photo of Archbishop Emeritus John Nienstedt, who will be filling in at St. Philip Parish in Battle Creek for a few months. Related Coverage Priest
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:52 PM PST
Seven priests who served in Bellevue and were accused of sexually abusing children over nearly four decades were among the names on a list released by the
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:51 PM PST
Osnabrück, Frankfurt a.M. (epd)Die Bistümer in Deutschland haben einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge in den vergangenen fünf Jahren mehr als 6,4 Millionen Euro an
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:51 PM PST
Updated Thursday, Jan. 21, 2016 | 1:39 p.m. A former Las Vegas area church pastor who became an international fugitive on accusations that he sexually assaulted
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:50 PM PST
Startseite Baden-Württemberg Friedrichshafen Heilbronn Karlsruhe Mannheim Stuttgart Südbaden Tübingen Ulm Verkehr Wetter Beitrag teilen Vorwürfe gegen Pfarrer…
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:47 PM PST
Marty Baron drove the Boston Globe's relentless reporting of the Catholic Church's cover-up in the US. The paper's hard slog is now the subject of a Hollywood
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:47 PM PST
WIGGINS -- A former Stone County preacher has been found guilty in the sexual battery of a girl at the church he previously led, District Attorney Joel Smith
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:45 PM PST
In January 2016, police have charged two men (now elderly) regarding sexual offences (including buggery) which allegedly were committed fifty years ago against
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 06:33 AM PST
10:16 UhrVon Michael Hasin Eine Welt ohne Grenzen ist eine gefährliche Utopie. Über den Weg, den Angela Merkel eingeschlagen hat, bin ich entsetzt. Das geht…

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